miércoles, 13 de octubre de 2010

How Does our Memory Work?

In respect to the videos shown in class, I have learned so much about memory and has caused in me a great intrigue in how memory shape us, our personality and just about everything we are surrounded with. The videos showed that memory is stored in small areas of the brain which have to be perfect in size and perfect in construction to function the way it should. It totally amazes me that we unconsciously store memories and recall them and it definitely takes a lot in our brains to accomplish such thing. Our brains are so perfect that although many theories have been made on how are memory functions, there are still things that cannot be proven by us human beings, they are left unknown till today since there is no reasonable explanation to what exactly happens. I´ve also learned that our memory fades as we grow older because of the white matter in our brains. We all have white matter and it has been shown that as we grow older the white matter undergoes severe changes, which is why the blood circulation in the brain is not as healthy as it was years ago and as a result thinking becomes impaired. I’m totally amazes me to see how our memories depend on the past and therefore affect the way we perceive our own future. It was also kind of traumatizing to see how are memory functions since there are many minute details that are really very important in the process of storing memories. How Alzheimer’s, a tragic memory disorder is acquired through age but some of us are lucky to not develop it as much as other unlucky ones. The videos were definitely eye-opening ones; they’ve given me a different perspective on memory storage in the brain.

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